California Paid Sick Leave Days for Dealer Employees
Stay compliant with the new 5 Paid Sick Days law effective since January 1, 2024. Download our FREE notice template for employees and e-Guide, or schedule a FREE chat with our Compliance Squad. Protect your dealership – act now!
Upon approving the bill on October 4, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom emphasized that too many individuals were still faced with the dilemma of deciding between sacrificing a day’s pay and attending to their own or their family member’s health needs when they fall ill.
There is no federal law mandating employers to offer paid sick leave to workers. California, which implemented a paid sick leave policy in 2014, became the second state in the nation to do so. However, it currently offers less time compared to 15 other states and numerous cities within the state itself, including San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley.
Since January 1, 2024, Senate Bill (SB) 616 expands paid sick leave (PSL) for almost all California employers. The law raises the minimum required PSL to 40 hours or 5 days, whichever is more, but compliance with local ordinances requiring higher PSL amounts is necessary.
Paid Sick Leave Compliance
Here’s What You Will Get!

By downloading the e-Guide you will get updated workplace policies to reflect increased sick leave, details on the importance of timely payment for used sick leave, options for Paid Sick Leave accrual, information on the must-have workplace poster, and on how to provide employees with paid sick leave information. Plus, you will also receive your FREE Notice to Employees Form by Remote Dealer Staffing. Don’t miss out – download now and stay ahead of the compliance curve!
Don’t miss out – download now and stay ahead of the compliance curve!
Get your E-Guide + Free Form
No worries! California’s Paid Sick Leave law can be complex, and we understand you may have doubts. Our Compliance Squad is ready to assist. Schedule a FREE chat with us today.

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