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By default SafeDeals AI has all company alerts turned ON. We suggest to keep them ON (at least for one of your users in each section) as this helps your dealership keeps track of all pending and completed deals for the day. If you need to double-check the available alerts:

  • Go to and login to your SafeDeals AI account
  • Click “Dealerships” in the left side menu
  • Click “Notifications”
  • Select your dealership name
  • Click on each available tab to see the notifications ON in each section

Automatic notifications are always ON for remote (E-disclosures) deals. The staff member processing the deal, the admin users, the buyer and co buyer (if apply) will receive four notifications:

  • First reminder: Immediately after the deal has been completed using SafeDeals AI
  • Second reminder: Is send 30 mins after the deal was completed
  • Third reminder: Is send 1 hour after the deal was completed
  • Fourth and FINAL reminder: Is sent 2 hours after the deal was completed

The deal will remain showing under the Today’s Pending Deals in the Dashboard. If the customer did not sign the documents within the same day, the deal will be moved to the E-disclosures report or to the Incomplete Reports depending on what type of deal was. It could not be edited, deal will have to be restarted.